You're in my thoughts

Created by Edward 3 years ago

Dear Peg,

I'm so sorry that I wasn't in the country to say goodbye in person.

Growing up I spent a lot of my time with gran and you spent a lot of time with her so it was inevitable that I grew to appreciate you as much as she did (of course it helped and we both loved cycling and you lived at the end of the street). I cannot express enough how comforting it was to know that your weekly meetings with grandpa while brief, kept him connected to gran. I always chuckled when I heard the voice messages you left for him reminding him that it was Friday and time to come and collect food for the chickens.

Whenever grandpa and I popped into Morrisons I hoped that we might bump into you and I would have an excuse to have a quick catch up and sometimes I was lucky and we did, I'm just sorry this didn't happen more often. But I feel very fortunate to have known you and spent as much time with you as I did and I will miss you sorely.


